Descartes asks himself and the reader how we ever know the difference between real life and a trick by the devil? Today's version of that statement would be how do we not know we aren't living in the Matrix. The reason I am bringing this up is because people have stopped thinking about the faith we put into everyday, but question faith we put in the metaphysical. Metaphysical is the realm of God and faith outside of the universal set of beliefs that society has stated to be held as true: The sky, the ground, people we talk to, etc.
This short blog is the start of an exploration in faith. I was sitting at a lovely restaurant with two friends and friend uno was complaining about a friend becoming religious and less open minded to her as a friend. Her friend specifically told her she didn't want to be friends with her anymore and that she was the devil. Friend dos proceeded to tell her that her own view was closed to her friend's perspective, and that we all have faith that is not understood by even ourselves. That is we have no reason to believe our physical world and not our other experiences like god and the metaphysical. A very thin (very convenient) veil of belief holds our world in place. <3 This specific moment is an exemplary one as to why I am very much in intellectual love with friend dos. He didn't mean to be a dick- or rude- he genuinely meant what he said.
Thus- questioning reality begins X) maybe a little less intense- questioning what everyone doesn't experience day to day commences. I am taking requests if anyone has them on subjects in religion, spirituality, and the metaphysical. If there are no requests I will proceed with topics I am curious about. X)
Very interested in what is coming up. You have my attention! Xoxoxo!!